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The Beyond Resilience Life

Dec 19, 2019

The Healing Journey for BIPOC with the amazing Natalie Gutierrez, LMFT.

Natalie is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the states on New York and New Jersey and has an office in NYC. She specializes in working with adults who have suffered relational trauma- which include survivors of domestic violence,...

Nov 26, 2019

Desde que acabamos la primera temporada del podcast muchas cosas han pasado! Los invito a escuchar este episodio donde les doy un update de lo que esta pasando con mi vida y como hemos navegado estos nuevos cambios tan grandes que se avecinan!

Para más información acerca del Podcast ‘Viviendo mas Allá de la...

Nov 20, 2019

Since we wrapped season 1 of the podcast a lot has happened! Tune in to hear how I have handled some big changes coming to my life!

I also wanted to share some info regarding two upcoming events. For more information visit my website at: 

Oct 8, 2019

Bienvenidos al ultimo capitulo de la primera temporada! Quería hacer un pequeño resumen de lo que ha sido una experiencia transformadora. Estoy inmensamente agradecida con la audiencia que me ha acogido y apoyado desde el comienzo, esto no hubiera sido posible sin ustedes! También quiero dar un agradecimiento...

Oct 1, 2019

Welcome to the last episode of our first season! I just wanted to do a recap on what has been such a transformative experience. I am so humbled by the audience that has supported this podcast from the beginning. I would like to give a special thanks to all the guests who took the time to answer my questions and offered...